What is the buried penis and how is it treated?

21 May 2021

What is a Buried Penis?

Although buried penis is normal in terms of body length, thickness and function, it means the penis embedded in the foreskin due to the thickness of fat in the groin area. It is generally considered physiological (normal). In childhood, inflammation of the foreskin causes problems such as difficulty in urination, adhesion of the foreskin (phimosis), while cosmetic and psychological problems in the post-adolescence period lead to a lack of self-confidence.


How is a Buried Penis Treated?

While it is not recommended to intervene in the buried penis in childhood, it may be necessary to intervene in adolescence. It is treated by liposuction or surgical removal of fatty tissue for thickening of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. In addition, penis elongation can be achieved with the help of various incisions made on the lower abdominal wall surgically and by cutting the penis hanging ligament.




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